Saturday, April 13, 2013

Reckless Abandon Blog Book Tour Starting Monday

It's finally here! The Reckless Abandon Blog Book Tour starts Monday. hosted by CLP Tours I'm making stops at ten blogs across the tour and really look forward to you all getting to know these bloggers. They review or share information on my book and don't even get paid more than a copy of the book to do so much.

Thanks awesome bloggers!

Starting Monday I'm going to be updating the tab on the Writesy Press site with the direct links each day. Please note that I'm a human so the links may not be up immediately when the post goes up (I have to live my life, sleep at night, you know, stuff away from the computer) but I promise to get them up asap., wait...HUGE thanks to Samantha March at CLP Tours for once again coordinating a fantastic tour. Can't wait to hit the road!

Enjoy the stops and please say hello, enter giveaways, and share the links with your networks. Thanks all, see you in the blogosphere!